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Poker Notes

Poker Book Review - Ace on the River

The Premise:

Ace on the River was written by poker pro Barry Greenstein and is a mix of strategy, psychology, and biography. Throughout the book Greenstein gives readers an unbiased view into the world of high-stakes poker, and what it means to be a professional poker player. Greenstein makes sure Ace on the River readers will walk away from the text with a newfound respect for what it takes to make it in the poker world.

Written in short, unattached, chapters Greenstein does a good job of injecting humorous anecdotes and stories throughout the book: A nice alternative to the typically drab, technical, tomes poker players are forced to read.

Target Audience:

Ace on the River is meant for players thinking about taking the plunge into the deep-end of the pool and becoming a professional, or semi-professional, poker player. However, the insights will be useful to poker players of all skill levels.

Content Summary:

Ace on the River has quite a bit of content within its pages, ranging all over the poker spectrum. The beginning is basically a look at Barry Greenstein’s trials and ultimate success as a poker player. This is followed by a hard look at the non-strategic aspects of being a winning poker player. The book ends with some strategic talk and an in-depth look at some of the most famous hands in poker history with Greenstein interjecting thoughts and insights along the way.

Ace on the River is divided into 4 main sections, with 28 subsections, and a few charts, a bibliography, and a glossary included.


If you are contemplating making the move to professional poker this is a must read book. Greenstein gives just enough warning, without being pessimistic, about what it will take to become a winning poker pro. He also hammers home the point that professional poker is not just champagne and caviar, players go through ups and downs and part of being a poker pro is when you show you have the ability to survive these trials.

New players who pick up this book might be overwhelmed if they try to implement all of the psychology and philosophy that Greenstein talks about in addition to trying to find their way strategically: It will likely be just too much information for a new player to concentrate on.

Overall Grade:

Ace on the River is quality book, and one every poker player should add to their shelf at some point in time. While it’s not a necessity to read this book, players struggling with the mental side of the game or who have issues away from the tables will do well to read this book. Overall Ace on the River is an 8 out of 10.

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